Saturday, July 18, 2015

JTH - Falling Off The Wagon

Well, let me just start with this disclaimer...trying to stick to this diet while moving and building a house is not for the faint of heart!

During the past month, I have been faint of heart.  Between not having time to prepare properly and being stressed to the max (at times I thought my head would explode and desperately needed chocolate!), I have fallen off the AIP wagon.  And I can feel it. :(

I have only had one full blown attack, when I went totally crazy for a couple days and ate all things off limits.  It took a week to recover.  UGH!  Most of the time I still eat mostly AIP and FODMAP, with only a few indiscretions, and can keep my symptoms at a tolerable level. 

It is frustrating to think of how I have slid backwards in this, but now I know my limits. And my need for this diet is confirmed.  There is a sense of control over my health, even though so much of it is still a mystery.  No cure in sight, but still hope.

I have also been reminded how hurtful to our physical well being stress is, and why I have ordered my life in such a way, as to avoid as much of it as possible!  Knowing this is all temporary has helped. 

I have to keep refocusing my eyes on eternity and remember what really matters. 

His mercies are new every morning and I will start again.