If you go back to my post from last February, you will find this.

I am recording the ways God is evident in my life; the good that He brings me. We sometimes wonder if He is there, especially in the hard times. So, I want to record reminders of all the ways He shows up. He can be seen in the simple and the complex; the small and the big things of life.
This is my jar one year later:
I tried my best to remember to write down each thing as it happened and today it is full.
I poured them all out. What a beautiful pile of color and blessing! It was a delight to reread each one and remember all that God has been and done for me. Some contained a hint of sadness, but it was overcome by the joy of seeing God's hand working all things for my good. It was a moment of thanksgiving, joy, peace and faith. I highly recommend it!
May your 2018 be filled with all the fullness of God!