Monday, April 21, 2014

Conclusion of Lenten Fast

Well, the 40 days have what?  Before I get to that, I want to sum up how this Lent fast turned out for me.  Success or failure?  I guess the answer lies in the perspective.  If by success you mean adhering perfectly...then failure.  But if nothing is a failure if lessons are learned, then success!  And if it is all about the goal, then I would call it a success too.  My goal was to deny self in order to check who is my master, to seek God more and to encourage others to seek Him also.  And to this end I believe I was the grace of God!

The first lesson I learned was that I bit off more than I could chew (fasting pun intended). ;)  I tried to fast from too many different things at once and found it hard to focus enough on any one of them.  I also at times would forget one and realize later I had "cheated".  This was a good lesson for life in general where we tend to get distracted by too many activities, desires, etc.,  even though they may all be good things.  I guess I was a Martha faster, instead of a Mary.

The second lesson I learned was about living aware.  I realized that when I am conscious of my actions, I can say no when I need to.  I don't have to say yes to everything, nor would it be good for me to.

The third lesson I learned was that I do have a burning desire to encourage people, to share in their joys and sorrows and to spread the Word of God.  The above reasons were the only reason I missed Facebook.  I don't need to know every one's business, but I do want to share in the things that matter.  And people matter, because they matter to God.  He created us for fellowship with Himself and each other.

I know that God has blessed the past 40 days and I have no doubt more blessings are to come in the days ahead.  I will continue to pray for courage and motivation to finish the race God has called me to run, and to make fasting part of the training.

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