Monday, December 30, 2013

New Years Resolution is that time of year again.  You know what I am talking about.  That time where we sit down and take a look at what we have done and what we really want to do and then either succumb to depression or get fired up to change.  Yep, it is time for those New Years Resolutions!

Why does January do this to us?  Why not June or July?  What is it about the clearly defined fresh start of the new year?  Maybe it is a result of our overindulgence at the holidays that makes us revisit that waistline one more time, or the turmoil of family gatherings that spurs us to want to have better relationships or the overspending on gifts that makes us realize we have GOT to get our finances under control.  Whatever it is, the time is upon us and there is no use putting it off any longer.

Here goes.  I too want this year to be different...better...more purposeful.  So I am making my resolution and putting it on here for all to see (or at least the two of you who actually read these). ;)  I am only choosing one and you will soon see why.  My New Year Resolution is...Matthew 6:33, "Seek first His kingdom and righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well."  I'd say that pretty much covers everything else.

I figure if I choose the one thing that Mary did, I can expect God to do so much more (Ephesians 3:2021).  For it is God who works in us to both will and to act (Phil. 2:13).  I am confident, because God is faithful.  Malachi tells us that God asks to be tested according to his promises and Isaiah tells us that God has said He will be found if we seek Him with our whole heart.  So, as I seek Him, I wait in wonder at what God has planned for this coming year. 

Maybe that is why we like the new year so is a clean slate just waiting for us to fill it with adventure and wonder!

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